Wednesday, February 13

A 1 am Wake Up Call

Last night David and I were both tired and went to bed around 10 pm, which is even early for us sometimes. Well, my cell phone rang at 1 am and I first thought why is my alarming going off so early! Well then I figured out that it was my phone actually ringing. Well I answer it, groggily, and I hear : "Hi Miss Dunn, is your husband available?" Of course I'm like, ok, here he is while hitting David to wake him up. David takes the phone thinking someone from his work has died because it's 1am and who calls at 1am. Well, his 1st Sgt car broke down last night and he called other people and waited 2 hours and no one called him back and he needed a ride. How nice. So, since David's license still hasn't come in the mail since he lost his wallet, I had to get up also and help go pick up his 1st Sgt. Since he lives about a half hour away we dropped him off at 1:30 in the morning, and went back home.
Thankfully he told David to come in late since we totally slept through the alarm and then we couldn't find his wallet...again. We were so out of it when we got back to apartment. But we found it and got David to work with 2 minutes to spare!
On a lighter note I had a interview with a temporary hiring agency and they got my resume out to lots of different places. They are trying to get my a temp to hire job and so hopefully within the next week I will have a job! I'm hoping so. I'm going crazy at the house all the time but I have been getting out. I have been going to the gym everyday and doing aerobic classes. Then yesterday I went to the New Mexico Natural History Museum. It was way cool and I had fun going out with the people I did.
David worked until 7:30pm last night so I didn't really feel like cooking when he finally got home so we went and at so super yummy pizza...brick oven pizza...and had a super yummy dessert. It reminded me of fried ice cream.

This weekend David has drill so I get to entertain myself. I think I want to go to the flea market, which will be way cool! I'm excited about that and thinking about doing this other flea market type of place. I'm excited about it.


Shauna said...

Oh man a 1am call can never be good. You guys are so nice. Glad it worked out! Have fun at the flea market!

Kristen said...

Hey!!! crazy phone call, huh? I never like calls in the middle of the night....never good! :)

Hope you have a great weekend! :)