Thursday, April 17


My Ode to Tumbleweed:

Oh Tumbleweed,
Why do you like to make my commute so long?

Oh tumbleweed,
Why do you roll down the road with such ease?

Oh Tumbleweed,
Why do you like to scratch the cars?

Oh Tumbleweed,
I thought you were only in cartoons!

So, that huge tumbleweed that is above is about the size of tons of tumbleweed all over the city. I have never seen tumbleweed like that or new that it was real. I drive by wal-mart and see them stacked against the fence. Or driving down the road and everyone slows down to about 30 mph because it's on the side of the road. It's really annoying, but it's so cool to see such big tumbleweed!


Jessica said...

Yup good ol tumbleweeds. We had them in Wyoming but not that big. But they can be a pain in the butt!

Shauna said...

Please tell me that's not David stuck in the tumbleweed! You guys are all ready to film a Western movie :)

Kristen said...

I remember hitting one of those once and it was stuck to the front of my car FOREVER - I kept trying to pick all the little branches out of it, and it took so long!!!

Da Ilaoa's said...

Does David do that every time to help traffic? What a good Samaritan!

Maria said...

Ouch! Face in tumbleweed!