Wednesday, August 12

A Family Thing

Today, David comes home! YAY! So, I have been trying to waste time as the day seems to drag when he comes in at 9:05, oh wait, it is delayed...only 15 minutes but still! So, I went to work today, the morning went a lot faster than I thought it would. Then I decided I didn't want to sit in the kitchen for an hour on my lunch so i would go to target. That's my favorite place to go to on lunch if I don't have a date with any of my girlfriends or I don't want to sit in the lunch room.

So, I'm at Target walking around and I decided to update my facebook. I wrote on it

Krissie is walking around Target on my lunch.

Not to long after that, my oldest and 3rd oldest sister are both writing, so am I!

Now, if that isn't a family thing to go waste lunch at Target, because I know more of you do, then I don't know what is!


Student Entrepreneur said...

I am so excited that David is coming home today!!! YEA!!!!

Jeni Allen said...

How true is that! What are the odds that you guys bought the same thing?????

Donna said...

I bought kids clothes, so I don't think Krissie bought the same thing as me. But I love Target! It used to be my favorite lunch place when I was working full-time.