Thursday, November 29

Cub Scouts

Last night was my last pack meeting for being the assistant cub master in our ward. I'm gonna miss the boys and it was kinda sad. I'm still super excited to move but it was a ton of fun and I learned so much. Actually when I went into it I didn't know a thing! We got to go on field trips, have weekly activities, day camp, and so much more! I feel so blessed to have had this calling and to learn so much about something I had no idea about. I am also going to miss my cub master Lisa. She and also Elizabeth when she was the cub master where such good teachers for me and I learned so much from them. And they always made it tons of fun and care so much about the boys.
Only 1 more full week of school, two days the week after that, two days of finals, and then I move! I'm so not ready. The house is no where being ready to be packed out by the movers, I have so much to clean still, and I also have to study! AH! Overwhelmed feeling set in the day after thanksgiving, but, it always works out! I'm just thankful I don't have to pack everything up myself. I just feel so ready for a vacation, although it will be a super long one, which is always fun! I can't wait to see friends and family.


Kristen said...

I used to do that in my ward also!! How sad. Change is good though....most of the time! :) Hope you guys are doing well and enjoying your holiday season! We'll be pretty close after you move, so you HAVE TO come visit! :)

Kristen said...
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