Sunday, February 24

Fun in the Snow

Yesterday, David, Robert, Dominique, and I tried to make it up the mountain to see the view but it SNOWED in the mountains...and not just a little bit but a lot. We were up about 5 miles (and it's 14 miles up the mountain) when Robert (who was driving) decided to pull over his new Nissan Titan 4x4 for us to get out and go sledding. Well he completely pulls into the snow thinking it's not that deep because a Tahoe is right next to us and is having no problems. We pull in and got stuck! The people in the Tahoe had to help us out. So we kept driving up to the ski resort and parked their and walked about 100-150 feet to go sledding. It wasn't a huge hill, but it was FUN! I haven't been sledding in years.

This one David hurt his bum on a rock and he thinks he bruised his tailbone! Poor guy. But we kept on sledding.

This one is hilarious because David's tongue is hanging out and my legs are out of the sled covered. Well after we sled on this one for about a half hour we decided to start making our way down the mountain. We are heading down when we see a minivan stuck in the snow so we pull over (but not in the snow) and help push him out and then we look over and all of a sudden a nissan maxima is stuck in the snow, so we run over their and also help push them out of the snow. Both drivers had no idea what they were doing. They were like, you are going to push us out of the snow. But we did it.
We then found an area on the way down with a parking lot so we pulled over and got out to do some more sledding. These hills were a lot bigger and you could get more speed up. I even got some air right after this picture.

All in all, the four of us had a blast!


Shauna said...

That looks so fun! Are the other 2 people David works with? We had blue & gold last night and Lisa had made a video and there were a bunch of pictures of you guys. Made me miss you!

Maria said...

Ouch! That's quite an expression of pain!!

Nichole said...

oh i so miss the snow, and sleding, glad you had so much fun.

Jessica said...

You guys look like you had fun! But please keep the snow. I am not a fan of snow anymore!

Jessica said...

you have been tagged check out my blog for rules!

Shauna said...

Hey lady! I miss your blog posts... what are you guys up to? Did you get your job? Have you moved on base?