Wednesday, December 12


Think of the tune "Leavin on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again" Except it's: I'm Leavin in a truck...don't know when I'll get to sleep again! So, instead of studying...once again...which I tried for about a half hour...I got on the internet while David is shampooing the carpets and I'm writing a blog. It's our last night in town and I can't believe it's here already. I'm so stressed out...which is pretty normal since I still need to take 3 finals tomorrow and then we are driving 22 hours. It's going to be a super long day/night. tonight was fun though, David and I went to Mike's farm with Liz's work and then we did the lights and then we went to Walmart. It's crazy to think of how I don't know when and if I will ever see all of my friends again. I'm surely going to miss them. As much as I dislike Jacksonville, I'm going to really miss it. But I'm excited to move on and make new friends and see my friends that I have along the way later on in life and still having great chats. That's what I do like about moving. I mean on Friday I'm going to be seeing some of our friends that we haven't seen in 3 years and a year and a half ago I saw a freind I hadn't seen in a year and a half. So, it's really cool being able to see friends and keep in contact.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey missy!!! Good luck on the move!! I know the feeling. We moved down from Idaho to Phoenix in one day! The longest drive of my life because a U-Haul can only go SO fast.... :) And now we are moving in two weeks to our new I'll be feeling your pain very soon!! Hope we get to chat soon! I want to hear all about your move! :)