Monday, October 8

So Sick

Today David and I were driving up to check him in to work when he told me he wasn't feeling well. He had already told me that once before today, but he says he doesn't feel well all the time. So we are driving (I'm driving actually) and David's in the passengar seat when he says "pull over now" so I pull into the Marina cafe parking lot when David jumps out of the truck and starts throwing up...a lot. I feel so bad that I just thought he didn't feel well but I had no idea how bad he felt. So now he's at home in bed....not checked into work with his sprite in his drink. I hope he is feeling better soon.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Oh man that stinks! Hope he feels better! Justin just called and said he had to go to the ER yesterday cause he was dizzy, light-headed, was walking ilke he's drunk, fever, etc... He's doing better today but still not 100%