Tuesday, October 28

Restless Sleeping

Friday night, I was extremely exhausted. After a long day at work, even coming home a half hour early, and the hockey game and dinner, I was so tired. I fell asleep on the couch around 9 - 10 pm. I woke up and the back door was open (which we keep open when home for Stella to go in and out as needed) but, for some odd reason, I freaked out. I was mad at David when I woke up because I couldn't find him. He was in the bathroom. Well, I laid down in the bed because I was upset when I couldn't find David. Moose and Stella snuggled right up next to me. I don't remember David coming to bed that night because I was so exhausted. I think I was out in .2 seconds.

The next morning I woke at the foot of the beed to have David tell me about my adventures of the previous night. Apparently, around 2 or 3 am I spread all the way out, in my sleep, and yelled at David to get off my bed. David decided not to fight me and put a movie on the tv and moved to the floor. When he turned the tv on I started snoring. David would turn the tv up a little, my snoring would increase a little. He would turn up the tv some more, my snoring would get louder. David called it my competition to be louder than the tv. I do remember waking up at one point saying, I'm hot! I remember throwing the covers and sitting up, but I don't remember laying back down. And that is how I woke up at the end of the bed rather then the head of the bed.

The funny thing is, that Saturday morning I asked David what time it was (since I couldn't see the clock and wanted to go into work that day) and he said it was almost 8am. I got up and went downstairs for some time,came upstairs took a long shower, got out, got dressed and looked at the clock and noticed it wasn't even 8 yet! David got me back!

Sorry David for a bad night of sleep for you!


sally said...

I giggled so hard!

AClovesLJ said...

Hey is Ali-Andrea, I have to agree with Sally. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants, cause its some thing that I would do too.